Send SMS via HTTP (MT) Example
This document will go over executing API calls and provide examples.
Send a customisable SMS message to a MSISDN.
Please note you must URL encode the MESSAGE_TEXT parameter and VALUE must be set to 0 for a free message.
Name | Value |
Content-Type |
Authorization |
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
account_id | string | 43e36f50aaf111e272639171000000a9 | Your unique Mobivate account id. |
password | string | 3b41d767316541bacef19d1382ac1e12 | Your unique associated Mobivate account api-key. |
originator | integer | 12345 | The associated shortcode for your service. |
recipient | integer | XX7432104492 | The recipient you want to send this message to. |
provider | string | Safaricom | The network you plan to send the SMS message via. |
keyword | string | mv-100620006 | Your unique Mobivate keyword for your service. |
message_text | string | Hello%20There! | The body of the text message you want to send. |
value | integer | 10 | The cost of receiving this SMS message. |
Be aware for Premium SMS the cost must be set or the Short code's default value will be charged.
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