Receive SMS (MO) parameters
Examples and documentation on how to receive MO's.
Last updated
Examples and documentation on how to receive MO's.
Last updated
MO's should be returned to your MO endpoint in the following format:
When receiving SMS MO messages, the following parameters will be sent as part of the HTTP GET request:
Parameter | Description |
Phone number of the originator (mobile phone) in international format (MSISDN) For example: 44700000000.
Service code / Shortcode number of the recipient.
The SMS message sent by the Originator.
Identifies the telco provider (Telstra/Optus..)This field will be set to PREMIUM or left blank when receiving standard SMS messages For example: Telstra.
The SMS Gateway will populate this parameter with our unique message identifier. Customers are encouraged to make sure no two messages are received with the same reference. For example: ABC123.
Billing amount in the lowest denomination of the currency. If “0” then the MO's are to be considered free to the sender.
If applicable, the product/service keyword identified by the MNO.
If applicable, the product/service campaign identified by the MNO.