Subscribing the User to the Service

Learn how to subscribe the users to your service.

Once you have the UserID you can request a subscription to your service. For this you can use our NetworkSubscription API. The User ID is normally the MSISDN number associated with the subscription.

For subscribing a MTN Customer request:

GET: https://<hostname>/lookup/subscribe/mtnng/?userid={USERID}&keyword={PRODUCT_ID}

For subscribing an Etisalat Customer request:

GET: https://<hostname>/lookup/subscribe/etisalatng/?userid={USERID}&keyword={PRODUCT_ID}

The required parameters for the Etisalat Customer request are as follows:

When receiving a response all requests will return HTTP Code 200 and a JSON body.


On Success:

  subscribed: true,
  message: "Subscription request has been accepted!",
  code: 202

On Failure:

  subscribed: false,
  message: "Execution Error: Invalid Ad Id",
  code: 400

Last updated